Buying a JudoGi

Believe it or not buying a new JudoGi is not as straightforward as it seems. I have lost count of the number of times one of my students has purchased a brand new Gi only to find its not what they needed. this is fine in the short term for new students however in almost every case they eventually end up having to replace it. I have written this process to try and help everyone avoid this scenario. If you follow this process it should help you to avoid the same pitfalls, and make sure you end up with the right kit.

Also see The JudoGi article which talks about the Gi itself and why it is important to get the right one.

Step 1 - Your Height

The size of your uniform is based on your height. Note that the JudoGi will most likely shrink slightly after it has been washed a few times so play it safe and add 10cm to your height.

Step 2 - Fabric Weight

The weight of a uniform is typically based on your age, experience level, and your weight. Naturally budget restrictions also come into play as heavier fabrics are generally more expensive. Here are the general recommendations for uniform weights for an average build - if you are inexperienced / young /lightweight then you will favour the lighter weight and vice versa if and if you are heavier or competing:

Step 3 - The Belt

There are several belt colours available, however they typically refer to how experienced in the sport you are with white being a beginner through to black. If you are unsure, then you probably need a white belt however please see the Belt System article if you want more information.

Note that when buying a new JudoGi, it typically comes with a white belt included.