Let It Snow

So Christmas is over and we are well into the new year by now. February is almost here and with it comes the cold weather so be sure that you wrap up warm. Doing judo you are likely to get quite warm and you may not notice the cold when you leave after the session is over. You will notice it by the time you get home and you will wish you had brought a coat.
Similarly - it might be cold, but you will be doing excersise so we still recommended to bring a bottle of water to your judo session and remain hydrated.

This time of year also typically brings the fluffy white stuff, as well as icy roads and frosty windscreens. Whether you love it or loathe it (Marmite anyone?), just be aware that the paths and the roads outside the club may get iced up and become slippery so please be careful - this is not an excuse to practice your breakfalls, concrete hurts.

Stay Safe and enjoy the snow if we lucky enough to get some.