Judo Belt System

If you are familiar with martial arts you will no doubt be aware that of how colourful the dojo can be with all the various students wearing their various coloured belts signifying the progression on their journey through their sport of choice.

What you may not know is that this tradition of was actually started in judo and was first instigated by a japanese man called Mikinosuke Kawaishi around 1930, and that prior to this there were only two colours of belts - white, signifying a student; and black signifying a master or teacher.
The introduction of the coloured belts sytstem was one of many changes made by Kawaishi to the more traditional methods when he brought judo to European audiences to the in order to cater to the more western culture.

This multi-tiered system subsequently became known as the Kawaishi method and has since been adopted by every modern martial art.

Junior Belts (Mon Grades)Senior Belts (Kyu Grades)Dan Grades
UngradedUngraded1st Dan
1st - 3rd Mon6th Kyu2nd Dan
4th-6th Mon5th Kyu3rd Dan
7th-9th Mon4th Kyu4th Dan
10th-12th Mon3rd Kyu5th Dan
13th-15th Mon2nd Kyu6-7th Dan
16th-18th Mon1st Kyu8-10th Dan